
FAQ’s from IS Codes (IS456, IS875, IS1893, IS800…)

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1. As Per IS 456 what is the % of mid span tension reinforcement that we have to extend to the supports

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2. AS per IS 456 when is it not required to provide torsion reinforcement in slab

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3. As per IS 456 how do we provide torsion reinforcement in slab

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4. In Which table of IS 456 is it expalined where do we find the value of max shear stress of concrete in beams with shear reinforcement

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5. In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined what is equation for design of short column in compression with biaxial bending

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6. In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined what are the assumptions for design using limit state of collapse for compression

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7. In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined for assign the strength of structure what partial safety factors should we take for concrete and steel

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8. In Which table of IS 456 is it expalined what are the partial safety factors for loads for limit state of copalse and limit state of serviceability

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9. In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined where do we calculate the highest bending moment for isolated footings

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10. In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined what is the max spacing of bars in a flat slab

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11. In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined what is the min thickness of a flat slab

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12. In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined what is middle strip in flat slab

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13. As per IS 456 in which clause it is explained what is column strip and flat slab

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14. In which clause of IS 456 is it explained what is a deep beam

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15. As per IS 456 in which clause the length of the structure beyond which we provide expansion joint is explained

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16. What should be the pitch of lateral ties in columns in IS 456

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17. What is the max spacing of longitudinal bars along the perifery of the column as per IS 456

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18. Which clause do we use to understand the min reinforcment in slab to be provided as per IS 456

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19. What is the max spacing of shear reinforcemnt in beam as per clause in IS 456

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20. Which clause of IS 456 do we use to understand the MAx area of a compression reinforcment as per IS 456

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21. What is the code for detailing earthquake resitant construction

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22. What are the limiting values of the span/depth ratio to be satisfied for horizontal deflection of beam/slab for spans over 10m, as per IS 456 which clause do we use?

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23. Which clauses from IS 456 do we use to see the critical section for shear

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24. BM & SF Coefficients in Table 12 & 13 of IS456 are valid for frames having spans which do not differ more than..

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25. BM & SF Coefficients in Table 12 & 13 of IS456 are valid for frames with..

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26. In which clause the effective span of a continues beam or slab is discussed in IS456?

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27. Which clause in IS456 explains about precautions to be taken for overturning of structures?

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28. What is the code concerned to dead loads consideration on structures?

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29. What is the method of design usally adopted in design of structural elements

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30. What should be the curing period to achieve 90% strength?

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31. Clause for Cleaning and treatemnt of concrete formwork in IS 456?

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32. What is the table concerned to water cement ratios for different grades of concrete with 20mm aggregate?

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33. What is the relation between tensile strength and compressive strength of concrete in IS 456

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34. What is the table in IS 456 concerned to usage of Grades of concrete for plain and reinforced Concrete?

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35. What are the codes concernd to Mild & Medium steel bars and HYSD steel bars?

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36. What should be the PH value of water used for mixing concrete as per IS 456?

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37. How many sections are there in IS 456?

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38. The diameter of longitudinal bars of a column should never be less than..

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39. Side face reinforcement shall be provided in the beam when depth of the web in a beam exceeds

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40. According to whitney’s theory, the maximum depth of concrete stress block in a balanced RCC beam section of depth “d” is..

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41. The design yield stress of steel according to IS: 456-2002 is

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42. The minimum cover for a column should not be less than

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43. The Effective length is of a columns of length having both the ends fixed is?

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44. Which IS code gives specifications about dimensions for hot rolled steel structures?

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45. IS 1893-2002 gives details on?

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46. Which is the most basic IS code for a Civil engineering designs?

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47. The percentage of reinforcement in slabs, when HYSD bars are used should not be less than?

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48. According to IS:456-1978, the maximum percentage of reinforcement in a column to avoid congestion is?

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49. The minimum cover in a slab should neither be less than the diameter of bar nor less than

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50. According to IS:456-1978, minimum slenderness ratio for a short column is?

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