FAQ’s for General Civil Engineering Jobs
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1. Which command convert discrete objects in polyline
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2. Which of the following is NOT a property of an object
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3. What is the primary difference between the Model tab and the Layout tab(s)?
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4. When drawing in 2D, what axis do you NOT work with?
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5. The ISOLINES system variable specifies
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6. Spatial occupancy enumeration is rarely used in CAD applications because it
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7. To control the type of surface created using the Smooth surface option of the PEDIT command, use the?
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8. The Spline option of the PEDIT command
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9. Of the following, the object best suited for a wireframe model is
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10. To edit a wireframe model, use
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11. The View option of the UCS command
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12. To allow you to view 3D models from different points of view, AutoCAD® provides
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13. In AutoCAD®, all objects are drawn on the
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14. The right-hand rule is used to determine the direction of the
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15. You have just created an interesting new round object by using REVSURF to revolve a complex curve around an axis. However you find there are only 6 faces around the perimeter leaving it very rough looking. What variable do you change to correct this?
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16. You apply a property called Thickness to a standard AutoCAD CIRCLE. What type of AutoCAD object do you now have officially?
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17. The primary purpose of the UCS (User Coordinate System) is?
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18. Surface models are used mostly in
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19. An analytic surface is one that
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20. To avoid surprises when you create a wireframe model, it is a good idea to
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21. One disadvantage of using wireframes as opposed tosurface or solid models is that
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22. What does AutoCAD stands for?
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23. Which key automatically activates the O snap feature of AutoCA
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24. Which of the following command in AutoCAD is used to create multiple viewports in the layout?
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25. What are the Advantages of AutoCAD?
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26. Which of the following is not the keyboard shortcut of AutoCAD?
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27. How many units are available in AutoCAD?
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28. A polar array creates new objects in which pattern
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29. How many layers a drawing should have?
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30. The origin of a drawing is at
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31. How long will a line from 0,5 to 5,5 be?
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32. How will you deselect an object while you are selecting set of objects?
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33. How many AutoCAD objects are in a rectangle?
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34. Polar coordinates are used mostly for drawing which of the ollowing
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35. How many SNAP points does an object have?
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36. Where should you pay attention when you are working with autocad commands?
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37. What does the command Wblock means
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38. What is the difference between command Plot and Print
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39. If during the CCW measurement result gives an angle 135 degrees, the same CW angle measured is
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40. If the scheme that stores will be opened in AutoCAD 2006 then you must save it in
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41. What is the command used for Plagiostomi angle?
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42. Which of the following file extensions can not be opened in the AutoCAD
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43. what happens when we use the mouse wheel?
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44. What command allows us to select objects based on some status?
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45. What are the various options from left to right and the opposite direction?
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46. What setting gradient allows us to fill an open area?
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47. Which of the following is not a keyboard shortcut of AutoCAD?
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48. Which symbol shows the snap point to the closest point
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49. What can we not create from the offset command
50 / 50
50. What is the minimum allowable number of layers in a drawing
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