
FAQ’s for Quantity surveyor Jobs

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1. What is the meaning of Cost?

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2. The charges represented directly in the commodity produced are called as?

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3. What is the meaning of net income?

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4. What do we calll the owner who grants the lease of the property to the other person as?

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5. When we pay annuity at the end of each period for a certain number of years, what is it called as?

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6. what do we call when we try to recive annuity for an indefinite period?

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7. If we sell a property lower than the market value of that time is said to have what value?

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8. As per the standards what is the length of a steel rod in meters?

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9. 1 bag of cement of 50 kgs covers how much volume?

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10. What do we call the process of determining the probable cost of the project after knowing the quantities of various items and their unit rate is called as?

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11. What is the process of calculating the quantities and costs of the various items required to complete the work is called as?

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12. What do we call the work done per day by a skilled labour to complete the quantity of work?

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13. For any work the rate of an item depends on which one of the following mentioned below?

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14. What is the name given to the rate per unit of a particular item of work, from the cost of quantities of materials, the cost of labors, the cost of equipments and other miscellaneous petty expenses require for the completion of the project?

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15. What is the unit of measurment of excavation?

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16. While we make specifications the sentence shall be in which format?

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17. In the contract document which type of specificaitons is not a part of it?

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18. Specifications are divided in to two catogories the first one is general specifications or brief specificatons and what is the second one called as?

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19. From the below mentioned options which details are shown in the specifications?

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20. What is the term given for the detailed description of the quality of materials and workmanship required to complete an engineering project in accordance with its drawings and details?

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21. The unit of measurement of steel railing is?

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22. Generally the Skirting is measured in?

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23. What is the unit of measurment of damp proof course (D.P.C.)?

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24. The birck work done in Foundation, Plinth level, Supestructure are measured in?

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25. what is the unit of measurment of Surface dressing?

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26. For hard soil the earthwork excavation is measured in?

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27. The steel used in the reinforcments is mearuded in?

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28. When we measure the wood, what units do use to measure them?

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29. What is the Unit of measurment of Cement?

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30. While doing backfilling or refilling earthwork in foundation pit the thickness should not exceed for each layer?

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31. The bricks for masonry structure are measured in cubic meters except in the case of?

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32. When we are measuring the weight of an item we corrrectly measure nearest to how much Kgs?

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33. From the below mentioned options select which one is not a spot item?

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34. The amount which is provided in the estimate and bill of quantities for some specialized work to be done by a specialized firm; whose details are not known at the time of preparing estimate is called as?

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35. When we are measuring an area we measure it correctly and nearest to?

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36. What is the order or sequence of measurment as per ISI method which is to be used?

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37. The provision of an incidental expense variation in detailed estimate is how much % ?

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38. What is the term give to the procedure of costing or valuing an item of work on the basis of actual laborers and materials required?

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39. The area of our house in which we can live is called as?

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40. While preparing the plint area estimate from the below mentioned options which item is not included?

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41. What is the unit of road used for the measurment for usage?

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42. What is the unit of dam used to measure for usage?

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43. What is the unit of hospitals used for repesenting the usage of hospital?

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44. When we modifying the original detailed estimate and prepare a new estimate what is it called as?

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45. We use appoximate estimate to prepare an estimate for an work what is also known as?

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46. To prepare an proper estimate of a work we requier Drawing, Specifications and what?

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47. After knowing the quantittes of various items and their unit rate we calculate the Propable cost of the project what is it called as?

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48. Pick up the correct statement from the below mentioned options?

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49. For which item the measurement is not made in square meters?

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50. For one Cubic Meter of brick masonary how many bricks are required?

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