
FAQ’s for Site Engineering Jobs

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1. In any good staircase, the maximum and minimum pitch respectively should be

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2. The number of steps in a flight generally should not be less than

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3. The lower edge of the pitched roof, from where the rain water of the roof surface drops down, is known as

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4. Mansard roof is a roof which slopes in

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5. The type of roof which slopes in two directions with a break in the slope on each side is known as

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6. The minimum depth of foundation in clayey soils is

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7. Number of vertical joints in a stretcher course is x times the number of joints in the header course, where x is equal to

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8. As compared to English bond, double Flemish bond is

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9. A queen closer is a

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10. Paints with white lead base are suitable for painting of

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11. Which of the following is the purest form of iron ?

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12. The most common admixture which is used to accelerate the initial set of concrete is

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13. The main constituent which imparts hydraulicity to hydraulic lime is

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14. Quick lime is i) slow in setting, ii) rapid in slacking, iii) good in strength. The correct answer is

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15. Quick lime is

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16. A first-class brick when immersed in cold water for 24 hours should not absorb water more than

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17. Specific gravity for most of the building stones lies between

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18. A covering of concrete placed on the exposed top of an external wall, is known as

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19. A wall constructed to resist the pressure of an earth filling, is called

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20. Dado is usually provided in

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21. Pick up the correct specification of one-room quarters generally adopted from the following:

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22. In grillage foundations, distance between flanges of grillage beams, is kept

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23. The stepped structure provided for lateral support of a structure, is

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24. The maximum permissible differential settlement, in case of foundations in clayey soil, is usually limited to

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25. Pick up the correct statements from the following:

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26. A solid core of rock is formed inside the cylinder in the case of

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27. In soft clay of low bearing capacity, the type of steel pile generally used, is

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28. For a rectangular foundation of width b, eccentricity of load should not exceed

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29. The stone whose crushing strength is least, is

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30. The form work from the sides of beams can be removed only after

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31. While designing a stair, the product of rise and going is approximately kept equal to

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32. A stair should not have pitch more than

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33. The under surface of an arch, is called

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34. In case of Raymond pile

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35. A temporary rigid structure having platforms to enable masons to work at different stages of a building, is known as

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36. The important test to be conducted on a stone used in docks and harbors is

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37. A projecting piece usually provided to support a truss, is

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38. The concrete slump recommended for columns, is

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39. Crown is located at

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40. Pile foundation is generally provided if soil is

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41. Couple roof is used for spans

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42. The nominal thickness of an expansion joint in brick walls, is kept more than

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43. The minimum strength of the mortar used in load bearing brick masonry, is

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44. The bond in which headers and stretchers are laid in alternate courses and every stretcher course is started with a three fourth brick bat, is known as

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45. The line of intersection of the surfaces of a sloping roof forming an external angle exceeding 180°, is

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46. Raft foundations are used for:

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47. The form Work including the props can be removed from beams, only after

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48. In order to obtain the best workability of concrete, the preferred shape of aggregate is?

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49. The Strength of concrete after one year as compared to 28 days?

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50. Workability of concrete is inversely pro-portion to?

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