FAQ’s for Structural Design Jobs
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1. For rivets in tension with counter-sunk heads, the tensile value shall be
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2. The minimum thickness of a steel plate, which is directly exposed to weather and is not accessible for cleaning and repainting, should be:
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3. In the virtual work method, the virtual quantity is
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4. The mechanism method and the statical method give
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5. Shape factor is a property which depends
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6. The portal bracing in a truss bridge is used to
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7. The effect of racking forces is considered in the design of i) lateral braces, ii) chord members. The correct answer is
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8. Hudson’s formula gives the dead weight of a truss bridge as a function of
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9. The diameter of base of conical flare of a steel stack is (where d is the diameter of the cylindrical part)
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10. As per IS: 875, for the purposes of specifying basic wind velocity, the country has been divided into
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11. The number of seismic zones in which the country has been divided are
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12. The bracing between two columns of a steel tank will be designed to resist
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13. The internal pressure coefficient on walls for buildings with large permeability is taken as
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14. Bearing stiffener in a plate girder is used to
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15. Minimum spacing of vertical stiffeners is limited to (where d is the distance between flange angles)
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16. As per IS: 800, for compression flange, the outstand of flange plates should not exceed (where t = thickness of thinnest flange plate)
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17. Horizontal stiffener in a plate girder is provided to safe guard against
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18. Shear buckling of web in a plate girder is prevented by using
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19. The overlap of batten plates with the main members in welded connections should be more than (where t = thickness of the batten plate)
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20. The use of tie plates in laced columns is
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21. According to IS:800, in the Merchant Rankine formula the value of imperfection index (n) is
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22. Bolts are most suitable to carry
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23. Efficiency of a riveted joint, having the minimum pitch as per IS: 800, is
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24. By providing sufficient edge distance, which of the following failures of riveted joint can be avoided?
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25. When the axis of load lies in the plane of rivet group, then the rivets are subjected to
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26. Bending compressive and tensile stresses respectively are calculated based on
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27. Effective depth and depth of the neutral axis respectively of a singly reinforced?
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28. An under-reinforced section means
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29. The effective width of a column strip of a flat slab, is
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30. As the percentage of steel increases
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31. For the design of a simply supported T-beam the ratio of the effective span to the overall depth of the beam is limited to
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32. At-beam behaves as a rectangular beam of a width equal to its flange if its neutral axis
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33. On a circular slab of radius, the maximum radial moment at the center if the load on the slab in wkn/m2
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34. The spacing of the main bars in a simply supported slab, should not exceed its effective depth by
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35. The self-weight of the footing, is
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36. The width of the flange of a L-beam, should be less than
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37. When a uniformly distributed load, longer than the span of the girder, moves from left to right, then the maximum bending moment at mid section of span occurs when the uniformly distributed load occupies
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38. While using three moments equation, a fixed end of a continuous beam is replaced by an additional span of
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39. The three moments equation is applicable only when
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40. The carryover factor in a prismatic member whose far end is fixed is
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41. According to IS codes recommendations, the maximum depth of stress block for balanced section of a beam of effective depth d is
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42. If the size of panel in a flat slab is 6m x 6m, then as per Indian standard code, the widths of column strip and middle strip are
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43. A simply supported beam A carries a point load at its mid span. Another identical beam B carries the same load but uniformly distributed over the entire span. The ratio of the maximum deflections of the beams A and B, will be?
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44. A cantilever of length is subjected to a bending moment at its free end If EI is the rigidity of the section, the deflection of the free end, is?
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45. Shell structure does not have any?
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46. The sway bracing is designed to transfer
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47. The diameter of base of conical flare of a steel stack is 9where d is the diameter of the cylindrical part)
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48. Normally, the angle of roof truss with asbestos sheets should not be less than
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49. Minimum pitch of the rivets shall not be less than where d is gross diameter of rivet
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50. Which of the following types of riveted joint is free from bending stresses ?
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