Practice – FAQ’s for General Civil Engineering Jobs
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1. To print the entire project, you will choose to regulate what to plot
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2. Which command convert discrete objects in polyline
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3. Which of the following is NOT a property of an object
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4. What is the primary difference between the Model tab and the Layout tab(s)?
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5. When drawing in 2D, what axis do you NOT work with?
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6. To create a revolved solid, use the
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7. All of the following objects can be extruded except a(n)
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8. The ISOLINES system variable specifies
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9. All of the following are examples of solid primitives except the
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10. To store and display modeling information, AutoCAD® uses
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11. Spatial occupancy enumeration is rarely used in CAD applications because it
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12. By default, AutoCAD® displays all kinds of models in wireframe format. To find out which type of solid a specific model is, use the
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13. Solid models are used more frequently than surface models or wireframes because they
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14. The disadvantage of solids created using pure primitive instancing is that
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15. To control the type of surface created using the Smooth surface option of the PEDIT command, use the?
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16. The Spline option of the PEDIT command
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17. To create an approximation of a Coons patch in AutoCAD®, use the
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18. All of the following are surface primitives except the
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19. A surface primitive is a(n)
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20. A fillet surface is used to
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21. A wireframe model is created using
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22. Of the following, the object best suited for a wireframe model is
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23. To edit a wireframe model, use
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24. If you were on one side of a wireframe cube looking toward a solid sphere on the other side of the cube, you would see?
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25. Wireframe drawings can be used to
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26. The View option of the UCS command
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27. To view a model from any position in 3D space, use the
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28. A wireframe model of a titanium block would most closely resemble a(n)
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29. To allow you to view 3D models from different points of view, AutoCAD® provides
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30. The World option of the UCS command
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31. The UCS command
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32. In AutoCAD®, all objects are drawn on the
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33. All of the axes in the 3D coordinate system meet at
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34. The right-hand rule is used to determine the direction of the
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35. The VIEW command does all of the following except
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36. The axis used to show depth in AutoCAD® is the
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37. You have just created an interesting new round object by using REVSURF to revolve a complex curve around an axis. However you find there are only 6 faces around the perimeter leaving it very rough looking. What variable do you change to correct this?
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38. Which of these objects will only draw flat on the current XY working plane and not allow 3D coordinate input (e.g. Z input)? (Check ALL that apply)
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39. You apply a property called Thickness to a standard AutoCAD CIRCLE. What type of AutoCAD object do you now have officially?
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40. To determine if two parts (3D Solids) will fit together without any interference, what 3D AutoCAD command can we use?
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41. The purpose of the UCSICON command is to:?
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42. The primary purpose of the UCS (User Coordinate System) is?
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43. Which AutoCAD command will determine precisely the volume of a complex (or simple) 3D Solid part?
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44. You want to draw an octagon shape window on a vertical wall face in your 3D House Plan. Which UCS command option is best suited to place your User Coordinate System on this front wall face to ensure the window is placed flat on this wall?
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45. Which one of the following AutoCAD objects can NOT have a 3D (Z) thickness property applied to it?
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46. You have just issued the HIDE command on a new 3D House Plan to see how the design looks, but find that all of the interior room labels are showing through your opaque walls, ruining the 3D effect. What can you do with the TEXT objects to fix this?
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47. To control the type of surface created using the Smooth surface option of the PEDIT command, use the
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48. The number of segments in a tabulated surface is controlled by the
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49. Surface models are used mostly in
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50. Surface models are considered to be more advancedthan wireframe models because
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51. An analytic surface is one that
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52. Compared with surface and solid models, wireframe models take
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53. To avoid surprises when you create a wireframe model, it is a good idea to
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54. The main difference between creating wireframe models and creating 2D objects is that
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55. One disadvantage of using wireframes as opposed tosurface or solid models is that
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56. If you were on one side of a wireframe cube looking toward a solid sphere on the other side of the cube, you would see
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57. To determine if two parts (3D Solids) will fit together without any interference, what 3D AutoCAD command would you use?
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58. Computer-aided design software is used by ……………..
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59. What does AutoCAD stands for?
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60. Which of the following state grid is use to design perspective?
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61. Which of the following command will allow us to use the Dynamic Input command of this software?
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62. Which key automatically activates the O snap feature of AutoCA
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63. Which of the following command in AutoCAD is used to create multiple viewports in the layout?
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64. By which of the following comand, you can draw a rectangle in AutoCAD?
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65. What are the Advantages of AutoCAD?
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66. The objects should be selected by ………… for stretching any object in AutoCAD?
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67. Which of the following is not the keyboard shortcut of AutoCAD?
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68. To obtain parallel lines, concentric circles and parallel curves _________ is use
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69. The scale command can be accessed easily by typing ………..
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70. Which key is used to obtain properties palette in autocad?
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71. How many units are available in AutoCAD?
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72. Which of the following is the extension for autocad drawing file?
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73. Which of the following workspaces are available in AutoCAD?
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74. How many workspaces are available in AutoCAD?
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75. What happens when we use Scaling command for an objects?
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76. A polar array creates new objects in which pattern
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77. How many layers a drawing should have?
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78. How would you select set of objects in a drawing?
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79. Fillet command can be used to obtain?
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80. The origin of a drawing is at
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81. If you want to rotate an Objects, it is rotated around?
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82. How long will a line from 0,5 to 5,5 be?
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83. How will you deselect an object while you are selecting set of objects?
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84. How many points do you need to define for the rectangle command?
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85. How many AutoCAD objects are in a rectangle?
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86. Polar coordinates are used mostly for drawing which of the ollowing
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87. How many SNAP points does an object have?
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88. Is 330 degrees same as -30 degrees in a drawing?
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89. Where should you pay attention when you are working with autocad commands?
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90. What does the command Wblock means
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91. Which of the following is NOT a unit of length measurement?
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92. If you change the scale list a project that I have started from 1:50 1:10 then
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93. What is the difference between command Plot and Print
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94. What does associative hatch means
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95. If during the CCW measurement result gives an angle 135 degrees, the same CW angle measured is
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96. What is the difference of two regular 8-gonon, which is one inscribed and another circumscribed circle
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97. What do the letters UCS means
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98. Print scale 1:50 means that
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99. If the scheme that stores will be opened in AutoCAD 2006 then you must save it in
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100. What is the use the Block Editor
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101. What is the command used for Plagiostomi angle?
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102. A surveyor with a headband to measure the dimensions of a site, he make measurements by
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103. Which of the following file extensions can not be opened in the AutoCAD
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104. How to make a random line with an angle of 40 degrees to the x axis
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105. what happens when we use the mouse wheel?
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106. What command allows us to select objects based on some status?
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107. What time (according to the clock) are 270 degrees according to the conventional time?
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108. What are the various options from left to right and the opposite direction?
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109. What setting gradient allows us to fill an open area?
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110. Why do we have 16,7 M colors in RGB
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111. Which of the following is not a keyboard shortcut of AutoCAD?
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112. When in absolute Cartesian coordinates have points A (10.8) and B (6.5), then to make a line from A -> B with relative polar coordinates will write
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113. Which state grid is use to design perspective
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114. Which symbol shows the snap point to the closest point
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115. What can we not create from the offset command
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116. If I want to draw a line in the direction 07:30 (local time). At what angle will it be dispalyed
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117. What is the minimum allowable number of layers in a drawing
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118. When do we fix a block attribute
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119. What is the difference between the Scale command and Zoom command
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