Practice – FAQ’s for Site Engineering Jobs
1 / 320
1. In any good staircase, the maximum and minimum pitch respectively should be
2 / 320
2. Minimum width of landing should be
3 / 320
3. Sum of tread and rise must lie between
4 / 320
4. The number of steps in a flight generally should not be less than
5 / 320
5. The maximum number of steps in a flight should generally be restricted to
6 / 320
6. The vertical posts placed at the top and bottom ends of a flight supporting the hand rail are known as
7 / 320
7. The term string is used for
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8. The function of cleats in a roof truss is
9 / 320
9. The function of king post in a king post roof truss is
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10. Couple close roof is suitable for maximum span of
11 / 320
11. The lower edge of the pitched roof, from where the rain water of the roof surface drops down, is known as
12 / 320
12. Higher pitch of the roof{i) results in stronger roof, ii) results in weaker roof, iii) requires more covering material, iv) requires less covering material} The correct answer is
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13. In a collar beam roof
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14. The horizontal timber piece provided at the apex of a roof truss which supports the common rafter is called
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15. Mansard roof is a roof which slopes in
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16. The type of roof which slopes in two directions with a break in the slope on each side is known as
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17. Pitched and sloping roofs are suitable for
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18. The type of roof suitable in plains where rainfall is meagre and temperature is high is
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19. The type of joint commonly used at the junction of a principal rafter and tie beam in timber trusses is
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20. The type of arch generally constructed over a wooden lintel or over a flat arch for the purpose of carrying the load of the wall above is
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21. Depth or height of the arch is the
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22. In the construction of arches, sand box method is used for
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23. The lintels are preferred to arches because
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24. The triangular space formed between the extrados and the horizontal line drawn through the crown of an arch is known as
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25. The vertical distance between the springing line and highest point of the inner curve of an arch is known as
26 / 320
26. The type of flooring suitable for use in churches, theatres, public libraries and other places where noiseless floor covering is desired is
27 / 320
27. The bearing capacity of a water-logged soil can be improved by
28 / 320
28. The maximum total settlement for raft foundation on clayey soils should be limited to
29 / 320
29. The minimum depth of foundation in clayey soils is
30 / 320
30. The type of pile which is driven at an inclination to resist inclined forces is known as
31 / 320
31. The maximum total settlement for isolated foundations on clayey soils should be limited to
32 / 320
32. The differential settlement in case of foundations on sandy soils should not exceed
33 / 320
33. In case of foundations on black cotton soils, the most suitable method to increase the bearing capacity of soils is to
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34. As compared to stretcher course, the thickness of joints in header course should be
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35. Number of vertical joints in a stretcher course is x times the number of joints in the header course, where x is equal to
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36. As compared to English bond, double Flemish bond is
37 / 320
37. Single Flemish bond consists of
38 / 320
38. The slenderness ratio for masonry walls should not be more than
39 / 320
39. The proportions of lime and sand in the mortar normally used in brick construction are
40 / 320
40. A mortar joint in masonry which is normal to the face of wall is known as
41 / 320
41. The type of bond provided in brick masonry for carrying heavy loads is
42 / 320
42. Expansion Joints in masonry walls are provided in wall lengths usater than
43 / 320
43. The most important tool in brick laying for lifting and spreading mortar and for forming joints is
44 / 320
44. Minimum thickness of wall where single flemish bond can be used is
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45. A queen closer is a
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46. Which of the following should be used for hearting of thicker walls ?
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47. The pressure acting on the stones in stone masonry construction should be
48 / 320
48. The stretcher bond in brick masonry can be used only when the thickness of wall is
49 / 320
49. Assertion A : Normally turpentine oil is recommended as thinner for indoor painting. Reason R : Turpentine oil is costlier than other thinners. Select your answer according to the coding system given below :
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50. In brick masonry the bond produced by laying alternate headers and stretchers in each course is known as
51 / 320
51. The vehicle used in case of enamel paints is usually
52 / 320
52. The amount of water used for one kg of distemper is
53 / 320
53. Assertion A : Paints with white lead base are not recommended for painting of iron works. Reason R : Paints with white lead base do not check rusting of iron. Select your answer according to the coding system given below:
54 / 320
54. Paints with white lead base are suitable for painting of
55 / 320
55. The ratio of the thickness of web to that of flange of steel rolled structural beams and channels is
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56. Which of the following stresses is used for identifying the quality of structural steel ?
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57. The ultimate tensile strength of structural mild steel is about
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58. Percentage of carbon content in mild steel is
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59. Which of the following is the purest form of iron ?
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60. Which of the following gradients exerts maximum influence on properties of steel?
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61. Compared to mild steel, cast iron has { i) high compressive strength, ii) high tensile strength, iii) low compressive strength, iv) low tensile strength} The correct answer is
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62. Three basic raw materials which are needed in large quantities for production of steel are
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63. The most commonly used retarder in cement is
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64. Which of the following cements contains maximum percentage of dicalcium silicate?
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65. The basic purpose of a retarder in concrete is
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66. The maximum quantity of calcium chloride used as an accelerator in cement in percentage by weight of cement is
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67. The most common admixture which is used to accelerate the initial set of concrete is
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68. Proper amount of entrained air in concrete results in { i) better workability, ii) better resistance to freezing and thawing, iii) lesser workability, iv) less resistance to freezing and thawing} The correct answer is
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69. Which of the following cements is suitable for use in massive concrete structures such as large dams?
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70. With increase in moisture content, the bulking of sand
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71. The slump recommended for mass concrete is about
72 / 320
72. Gypsum consists of
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73. For testing compressive and tensile strength of cement, the cement mortar is made by mixing cement and standard sand in the proportions of
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74. Early attainment of strength in rapid hardening cement is mainly due to
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75. After storage, the strength of cement
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76. According to IS specifications, the compressive strength of ordinary Portland cement after three days should not be less than
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77. Addition of pozzolana to ordinary Portland cement increases
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78. For testing compressive strength of cement, the size of cube used is
79 / 320
79. The normal consistency of ordinary Portland cement is about
80 / 320
80. As per IS specifications, the maximum final setting time for ordinary Portland cement should be
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81. The main constituent of cement which is responsible for initial setting of cement is
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82. Le Chatelier’s device is used for determining the
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83. The constituent of cement which is responsible for all the undesirable properties of cement is
84 / 320
84. The main ingredients of Portland cement are
85 / 320
85. Study the following statements. i) Hydraulic lime is suitable for white washing, ii) Fat lime is suitable for whitewashing, iii) Hydraulic lime is suitable for making mortar, iv) Fat lime is suitable for making mortar. The correct answer is
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86. The initial setting time for ordinary Portland cement as per IS specifications should not be less than
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87. The main constituent which imparts hydraulicity to hydraulic lime is
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88. Assertion A: Pure lime takes a long time to develop adequate strength. Reason R : Pure lime has slow hardening characteristics. Select your answer according to the coding system given below:
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89. Hydraulic lime is obtained by
90 / 320
90. Quick lime is i) slow in setting, ii) rapid in slacking, iii) good in strength. The correct answer is
91 / 320
91. Quick lime is
92 / 320
92. Glazing is used to make earthenware
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93. Advantage of a clamp compared to a kiln for burning bricks is that
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94. The internal size of mold used in brick preparation is
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95. Which of the following ingredients of the brick earth enables the brick to retain its shape?
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96. Excess of silica in brick earth results in
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97. The nominal size of the modular brick is
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98. Percentage of silica in a good brick earth lies between
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99. Which of the following pairs gives a correct combination of the useful and harmful constituents respectively of a good brick earth?
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100. The process of mixing clay, water and other ingredients to make brick is known as
101 / 320
101. The frog of the brick in a brick masonry is generally kept on
102 / 320
102. Number of bricks required for one cubic meter of brick masonry is
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103. Pug mill is used for
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104. Which of the following bricks are used for lining of furnaces ?
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105. Excess of alumina in brick earth makes the brick
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106. The percentage of alumina in a good brick earth lies between
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107. The main function of alumina in brick earth is
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108. Crushing strength of a first-class brick should not be less than
109 / 320
109. A first-class brick when immersed in cold water for 24 hours should not absorb water more than
110 / 320
110. First class timber has an average life of
111 / 320
111. The practical limit of moisture content achieved in air drying of timber is
112 / 320
112. The plywood
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113. Plywood is made by bonding together thin layers of wood in such a way that the angle between grains of any layer to grains of adjacent layers is
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114. The age of a tree can be known by examining
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115. The trunk of tree left after cutting all the branches is known as
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116. The moisture content in a well-seasoned timber is
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117. In which of the following directions, the strength of timber is maximum?
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118. The disease of dry rot in timber is caused by
119 / 320
119. Assertion A : Shishum is used for decorative woodwork. Reason R : Shishum can be polished to an excellent finish. Select your answer according to the coding system given below:
120 / 320
120. Plywood has the advantage of’
121 / 320
121. The radial splits which are wider on the outside of the log and narrower towards the pith are known as
122 / 320
122. Sapwood consists of
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123. Cross cut saw is used for
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124. The preparation of surface of stone to obtain plain edges or to obtain stones of required size and shape is known as
125 / 320
125. Spalling hammer is used for
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126. Specific gravity for most of the building stones lies between
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127. Crushing strength of a good building stone should be more than
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128. Granite is not suitable for ordinary building purpose because
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129. Which of the following stone is best suited for construction of piers and abutments of a railway bridge?
130 / 320
130. The predominant constituent which is responsible for strength in granite is
131 / 320
131. The important test to be conducted on a stone used in docks and harbors is a)
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132. A good building stone should not absorb water more than
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133. Jumper is a tool used for
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134. Which of the following has more fire resisting characteristics?
135 / 320
135. Which of the following metamorphic rocks has the most weather resisting characteristics?
136 / 320
136. A heavy stone is suitable for
137 / 320
137. The stone suitable for rubble masonry should be.
138 / 320
138. Quartzite is a
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139. Which of the following is a mineral?
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140. Slate is formed by metamorphic action on
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141. Sandstone is a i) sedimentary rock, ii) aqueous rock, iii) silicious rock. The correct answer is
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142. Which of the following is a rock?
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143. Based on the following rocks and minerals, select the correct statement, quartz, shale, basalt, granite, marble, gypsum, mica
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144. Which of the following represents a metamorphic rock? i) slate, ii) shale, iii) quartzite (The correct answer is)
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145. Which of the following sedimentary rocks changes into quartzite by metamorphic action?
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146. Gypsum is a
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147. Which of the following metal sheets is most effective in preventing dampness?
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148. The exterior angle between outer faces of a wall, is known as
149 / 320
149. A covering of concrete placed on the exposed top of an external wall, is known as
150 / 320
150. Best type of piles for soft soil having little resistance to the flow of concrete, is
151 / 320
151. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following:
152 / 320
152. Pick up the commonly adopted geophysical method in civil engineering from the following:
153 / 320
153. Pick up the correct statement about silt soil from the following:
154 / 320
154. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
155 / 320
155. In clay soil
156 / 320
156. The window which is provided on a sloping roof of a building, is called
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157. Grillage foundation
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158. A wall constructed to resist the pressure of an earth filling, is called
159 / 320
159. The opening provided in sloping roof with its top parallel to the roof surface, is called
160 / 320
160. The sound which continues even after its source is cut off, is called
161 / 320
161. Vertical construction joints are provided where the shearing forces are minimum in the case of
162 / 320
162. Pick up the consideration to the taken while designing a hospital from the following:
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163. A cut in frame of a door to receive the shutter, is called
164 / 320
164. The minimum width of a stair in residential buildings, is
165 / 320
165. Expansion joints in masonry walls are provided if length exceeds
166 / 320
166. The process of keeping concrete moist for a certain period after its finishing, is known as
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167. Dado is usually provided in
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168. Pick up the correct specification of one-room quarters generally adopted from the following:
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169. The Auger borings are not common
170 / 320
170. Gravels
171 / 320
171. In high mountainous region, the type of roof generally recommended for buildings, is
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172. For the construction of flyovers in sandy soils, the type of foundation provided, is
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173. In grillage foundations, distance between flanges of grillage beams, is kept
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174. Black cotton soil is unsuitable for foundations because its
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175. The depth of concrete bed of the foundation depends upon
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176. The least bearing capacity of soil is that of
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177. The maximum bearing capacity of soil is that of
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178. According to Rankine’s formula, minimum depth of foundations, is
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179. The alignment of a cross joint along the plumb line is
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180. The columns of multi-storeyed buildings are designed to withstand the forces due to
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181. The stone whose crushing strength is maximum, is
182 / 320
182. In horizontal P.C, thickness of cement concrete (1 : 2 : 4) is
183 / 320
183. The type of bond in which every course contains both headers and stretchers, is called
184 / 320
184. The stepped structure provided for lateral support of a structure, is
185 / 320
185. The foundations are placed below ground level, to increase
186 / 320
186. For brick construction, the lime-sand mortar, is
187 / 320
187. The type of ashlar masonry in which stones are finely chisel dressed and thickness of joints does not exceed 3 mm, is
188 / 320
188. The inclined support at the ends of treads and rises of a stair, is known as
189 / 320
189. The mortar in which both cement and lime are used as binding materials, is called
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190. The angular steps used for changing direction of the stairs, are called
191 / 320
191. The maximum permissible differential settlement, in case of foundations in clayey soil, is usually limited to
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192. In case of foundations on sandy soil, maximum permissible differential settlement, is usually limited to
193 / 320
193. Pick up the correct statements from the following:
194 / 320
194. A solid core of rock is formed inside the cylinder in the case of
195 / 320
195. If (?) is the angle of repose of soil of weight w kg/m3, the horizontal pressure p at a depth of h meters per meter length of wall, is
196 / 320
196. In soft clay of low bearing capacity, the type of steel pile generally used, is
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197. For a rectangular foundation of width b, eccentricity of load should not exceed
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198. The members which support covering material of a sloping roof, are
199 / 320
199. For constructing a terrazzo floor, Pick up the incorrect statement from the following:
200 / 320
200. In places where the soil is soft and has small resistance to the flow of concrete, which one of the following types of piles, is used
201 / 320
201. The skirting/dado in a bath roof should be up to
202 / 320
202. Nogging of a common wooden partition is
203 / 320
203. The sill of a common wooden partition is
204 / 320
204. To support a heavy structure in sandy soil, the type of foundation generally used, is
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205. Under reamed piles are generally used for
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206. A pointed arch which forms isosceles or equilateral triangle, is generally known as
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207. The pile provided with one or more bulles in its vertical shaft, is generally known as
208 / 320
208. The 19 cm × 9 cm side of a brick as seen in the wall face, is generally known as
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209. The width of the hollow space between two walls of a cavity wall should not exceed
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210. Arches in the form of masonry arcs struck from more than four centers, are called
211 / 320
211. The foundation which consists of a thick reinforced cement slab covering whole area to support heavy concentrated structural loads, is known as
212 / 320
212. The bearing capacity of granite is generally
213 / 320
213. According to National Building Code, the hydrants in water mains is provided at minimum interval of
214 / 320
214. The stone whose crushing strength is least, is
215 / 320
215. The inner section of a cavity wall, is generally known as
216 / 320
216. The form work from the underside of slabs, can be removed only after
217 / 320
217. The stone masonry of finely dressed stones laid in cement or lime, is
218 / 320
218. The form work from the sides of beams can be removed only after
219 / 320
219. The steel pile which is generally sunk in soft clay or loose sand of low bearing capacity, is
220 / 320
220. The arrangement made to support an unsafe structure temporarily, is known as
221 / 320
221. In case of multistoried buildings, the forms to be removed first are
222 / 320
222. A concrete structure is set on fire and the temperature rises to 1000° The strength of concrete as compared to original strength reduces to
223 / 320
223. The piece of a brick cut with its one corner equivalent to half the length and half the width of a full brick, is known as
224 / 320
224. In flat roof of reinforced cement concrete, the recommended angle of slope, is
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225. The process of working a flat for the finishing coat, is known
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226. For a wall carrying heavy load on low bearing capacity soil,
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227. The range of spread from the wall base to outer edge of a brick work foundation does not exceed
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228. The single stage well point system of dewatering an excavation can be used if the depth of excavation does not exceed
229 / 320
229. The arrangement of supporting an existing structure by providing supports underneath, is known as
230 / 320
230. While designing a stair, the product of rise and going is approximately kept equal to
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231. If height of the first stored of a building is 2 m and riser is 13 cm, the number of treads required, is
232 / 320
232. The type of bond in a brick masonry containing alternate courses of stretchers and headers, is called
233 / 320
233. A stair should not have pitch more than
234 / 320
234. The Auger boring method is not suitable for
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235. The taper of precast concrete pile should not be more than
236 / 320
236. For heavy embankments and dams, of height h, the depth of exploration of soil should not be less than
237 / 320
237. The process of making the back ground rough, before plastering, is
238 / 320
238. The X-ray rooms are plastered with
239 / 320
239. During percussion drilling
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240. The construction joints in buildings are provided after
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241. The under surface of an arch, is called
242 / 320
242. The method of moving each brick through a small horizontal distance before it is finally laid in any brick wall and pressing it by means of brick hammer, is known as
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243. Rotary drilling is the fastest method in case of
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244. In case of Raymond pile
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245. A floor constructed with the 4 to 6 mm marble chips, is known
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246. The lower half portion between crown and skew back of the arch, is called
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247. A floor constructed with 3 mm marble chips, is known
248 / 320
248. For plastering the exposed brick walls, the cement sand mortar should be
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249. For effective drainage, the finished surface of flat roof should have a minimum slope of
250 / 320
250. The bearing capacity of piles is determined by
251 / 320
251. To obtain good bonding in brick masonry
252 / 320
252. In ordinary residential and public buildings, the damp proof course is generally provided at
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253. The vertical side member of a shutter frame, is known
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254. The brick laid with its length parallel to the face of a wall, is a known as
255 / 320
255. The rock formed from the solidification of molten matter (magma) is called:
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256. The highest line of sloping roof, where two opposite slopes meet, is known as
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257. Which one of the following rocks is used for monumental buildings?
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258. A temporary rigid structure having platforms to enable masons to work at different stages of a building, is known as
259 / 320
259. While investigating the site, a thick layer of fairly firm clay over a deep layer of soft clay is encountere In such a situation, the following type of foundation is useful:
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260. The vertical members fixed between steps and hand rail, are known
261 / 320
261. Dampness causes
262 / 320
262. Depth of lean concrete bed placed at the bottom of a wall footing, is kept
263 / 320
263. The concrete slump recommended for foundations, is
264 / 320
264. The local swelling of a finished plaster, is termed
265 / 320
265. The important test to be conducted on a stone used in docks and harbors is
266 / 320
266. The type of stone masonry in which stones of same height are laid in layers, is called
267 / 320
267. A projecting piece usually provided to support a truss, is
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268. A wooden block fixed on back side of a door frame on its post, is known as
269 / 320
269. The dimensions of a half queen closer, are
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270. The concrete slump recommended for columns, is
271 / 320
271. A roof which slopes in four directions, is called
272 / 320
272. The art of bringing the floor to a true level surface by means of screeds, is called
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273. The size of a floor tile commonly used, is
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274. A pre-stressed concrete pile is
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275. The piece of a brick cut along the center of width in such a way that its length is equal to that of full brick, is called as
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276. Herringbone bond is used for
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277. Crown is located at
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278. The type of pointing in which a V-shaped projection outside the wall surface, is provided, is called
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279. Pile foundation is generally provided if soil is
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280. Bearing capacity of soils cannot be improved by
281 / 320
281. Couple roof is used for spans
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282. The thickness of a reinforced brick partition wall, is generally kept
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283. The nominal thickness of an expansion joint in brick walls, is kept more than
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284. Brick nogging type of partition wall, is constructed by
285 / 320
285. The nominal thickness of one brick wall in mm, is
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286. The compaction of concrete in the drilled pile hole is done by compressed air in the case of
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287. The minimum strength of the mortar used in load bearing brick masonry, is
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288. The strength of brick masonry in 1:6 cement mortar, is
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289. Which one of the following piles has a cast iron shoe even after removal of the hollow cylindrical steel casing?
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290. The bond in which headers and stretchers are laid in alternate courses and every stretcher course is started with a three fourth brick bat, is known as
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291. If a is the offset of concrete bed in cms, and d is the depth of concrete bed in cms, then
292 / 320
292. Pile foundations are suitable for
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293. The depth of excavation of foundations, is generally measured with a
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294. Stability of an existing structure may be disturbed by
295 / 320
295. The angle between skew back of a flat arch and the horizontal, is kept approximately equal to
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296. The line of intersection of the surfaces of a sloping roof forming an external angle exceeding 180°, is
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297. The maximum permissible deflection of a timber beam supporting a roof, is
298 / 320
298. The minimum thickness of walls built in cement mortar (1 : 6) for a single stored building, is
299 / 320
299. For each storey (or, story) of a building, the depth of exploration should be
300 / 320
300. Raft foundations are used for:
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301. Which one of the following factors is considered for the orientation of buildings?
302 / 320
302. The foundation in which a cantilever beam is provided to join two footings, is known as
303 / 320
303. Raft foundation are generally preferred to when the area required for individual footing, is more than
304 / 320
304. In the method of tube boring of soil investigation, the following is essential:
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305. The type of flooring suitable for use in churches, theatres, public libraries and other places where noiseless
306 / 320
306. The black cotton soil
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307. The form Work including the props can be removed from beams, only after
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308. The depth of the ground water table may be ascertained by
309 / 320
309. The bearing capacity of a water-logged soil, may be improved by
310 / 320
310. In case of foundation on black cotton soils, the most suitable method to increase the bearing capacity of soils is to
311 / 320
311. what is the general shelf life of ordinary Portland cement
312 / 320
312. A good Building stone should not absorb Water more
313 / 320
313. For walls, columns and vertical faces of all structural members, the form work is generally removed after?
314 / 320
314. In order to obtain the best workability of concrete, the preferred shape of aggregate is?
315 / 320
315. The Strength of concrete after one year as compared to 28 days?
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316. The percentage of voids in cement is approximately?
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317. Increase in the moisture content in concrete?
318 / 320
318. Strength of concrete increases with?
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319. Workability of concrete is inversely pro-portion to?
320 / 320
320. Workability of concrete is directly proportional to?
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