
Practice – FAQ’s for Structural Design Jobs

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1. Pitch of tacking rivets, when double angles connected back-to-back and acting as tension members should not be more than

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2. In moment resistant connections, the moment resistance of riveted connection depends upon

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3. The allowable shear stress in the web of mild steel beams decreases with (where ‘h’ is height and t is thickness)

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4. A steel beam supporting loads from the floor slab as well as from wall is termed as

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5. For rivets in tension with counter-sunk heads, the tensile value shall be

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6. For a compression member with double angle section, which of the following section will give larger value of minimum radius of gyration?

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7. Lug angles

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8. The connection of intermediate vertical stiffeners to the web, not subjected to external loads, shall be designed for a minimum shear force (kN/m) of (where, t = the web thickness in mm, h = the outstand of stiffener in mm)

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9. The minimum thickness of a steel plate, which is directly exposed to weather and is not accessible for cleaning and repainting, should be:

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10. In case of plastic design, the calculated maximum shear capacity of a beam as per IS:800 shall be (where, Aw = effective cross-sectional area resisting shear fy = yield stress of the steel)

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11. The shape factor of an isosceles triangle for bending about the axis parallel to the base is:

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12. In the virtual work method, the virtual quantity is

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13. Which of the following conditions is to be satisfied both in elastic and plastic analysis?

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14. Other conditions being same, the load factor in indeterminate structures is

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15. Load factor is

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16. The ratio of plastic section modulus to elastic section modulus

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17. The mechanism method of plastic analysis satisfies

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18. The statical method of plastic analysis satisfies

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19. The moment-curvature relation at a plastic hinge is

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20. The mechanism method and the statical method give

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21. Shape factor is a property which depends

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22. The elastic strain for steel is about

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23. In case of timber structures, the form factor for solid circular cross-section is taken as

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24. The least dimension in case of a circular column of diameter D is taken as

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25. compression force in two end posts The pin of a rocker bearing in a bridge is designed for

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26. In case of timber structures, the simple bending formula M = fz may be applied for

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27. The bracing provided in the plane of end posts is called

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28. The portal bracing in a truss bridge is used to

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29. The centrifugal force due to curvature of track is assumed to act on the bridge at a height of

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30. The effect of racking forces is considered in the design of i) lateral braces, ii) chord members. The correct answer is

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31. If the floor is supported at or near the bottom but top chords of a bridge are not braced, then the bridge is called

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32. If the loaded length of span in meters of a railway steel bridge carrying a single track is 6 m, then impact factor is taken as

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33. Hudson’s formula gives the dead weight of a truss bridge as a function of

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34. The diameter of base of conical flare of a steel stack is (where d is the diameter of the cylindrical part)

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35. As per IS: 875, for the purposes of specifying basic wind velocity, the country has been divided into

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36. Which of the following sections should preferably be used at places where torsion occurs?

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37. The allowable tensile stress in structural mild steel plates for steel tank is assumed as

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38. The number of seismic zones in which the country has been divided are

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39. Area of openings for buildings of large permeability is more than

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40. The minimum thickness of plates in a steel stack should be

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41. The bracing between two columns of a steel tank will be designed to resist

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42. The capacity of the smallest pressed steel tank is

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43. Steel tanks are mainly designed for

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44. Minimum pitch provided in riveted steel tanks is (where d is diameter of rivets)

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45. The external wind pressure acting on a roof depends on

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46. The risk coefficient k, depends on

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47. The basic wind speed is specified at a height ‘h’ above mean ground level in an open terrain. The value of ‘h’ is

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48. The internal pressure coefficient on walls for buildings with large permeability is taken as

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49. Rivets connecting flange angles to cover plates in a plate girder are subjected to

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50. The maximum spacing of vertical stiffeners is(where d is the distance between flange angles)

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51. Bearing stiffener in a plate girder is used to

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52. The forces acting on the web splice of a plate girder are

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53. Gantry girders are designed to resist

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54. Intermediate vertical stiffeners in a plate girder need be provided if the depth of web exceeds 9where t is thickness of web)

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55. Minimum spacing of vertical stiffeners is limited to (where d is the distance between flange angles)

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56. Bearing stiffeners are provided at i) the supports, ii) the mid span, iii) the point of application of concentrated loads. The correct answer is

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57. As per IS: 800, for compression flange, the outstand of flange plates should not exceed (where t = thickness of thinnest flange plate)

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58. The web crippling due to excessive bearing stress can be avoided by

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59. Horizontal stiffener in a plate girder is provided to safe guard against

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60. Minimum thickness of web in a plate girder, when the plate is accessible and also exposed to weather, is

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61. Shear buckling of web in a plate girder is prevented by using

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62. The slenderness ratio of lacing bars should not exceed

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63. Economical depth of a plate girder corresponds to

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64. The overlap of batten plates with the main members in welded connections should be more than (where t = thickness of the batten plate)

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65. The effective length of a battened column is increased by

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66. Lacing bars in a steel column should be designed to resist

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67. The use of tie plates in laced columns is

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68. Angle of inclination of the lacing bar with the longitudinal axis of the column should preferably be between

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69. According to IS:800, in the Merchant Rankine formula the value of imperfection index (n) is

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70. The best arrangement to provide unified behavior inbuilt up steel columns is by

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71. If the 20 mm rivets are used in lacing bars, then the minimum width of lacing bar should be

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72. The maximum slenderness ratio of a steel column, the design of which is governed by wind or seismic forces is

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73. The maximum slenderness ratio of a compression member carrying both dead and superimposed load is

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74. The effective length of a battened strut effectively held in position at both ends but not restrained in direction is taken as

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75. According to IS Specifications, the effective length of a column effectively held in position at both ends and restrained in direction at one end is taken as

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76. The slenderness ratio of a column supported throughout its length by a masonry wall is

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77. A circular column section is generally not used in actual practice because

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78. According to IS Specifications, the maximum pitch of rivets in compression is (where t is thickness of thinnest outside plate or angle)

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79. The actual thickness of butt weld as compared to the thickness of plate is usually

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80. A butt weld is specified by

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81. For a standard 45° fillet, the ratio of size of fillet to throat thickness is

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82. The effective length of a fillet weld should not be less than

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83. In the cross-section of a weld, throat is the

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84. When the bolts are subjected to reversal of stresses, the most suitable type of bolt is

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85. Diameter of a bolt hole is usually taken as

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86. Select the correct statement

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87. Bolts are most suitable to carry

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88. Efficiency of a riveted joint, having the minimum pitch as per IS: 800, is

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89. As compared to field rivets, the shop rivets are

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90. Minimum pitch of the rivets shall not be less than (where d is gross diameter of rivet)

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91. By providing sufficient edge distance, which of the following failures of riveted joint can be avoided?

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92. If the thickness of plate to be connected by a rivet is 16mm, then suitable size of rivet as per Unwin’s formula will be

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93. The difference between gross diameter and nominaldia meter for the rivets up to 25 mm diameter is

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94. When the axis of load lies in the plane of rivet group, then the rivets are subjected to

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95. When the axis of load lies in the plane of rivet group, then the most heavily loaded rivet will be the one which

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96. Which of the following types of riveted joint is free from bending stresses?

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97. In a gusseted base, when the end of the column is machined for complete bearing on the base plate, then the axial load is assumed to be transferred to base plate

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98. If the thickness of thinnest outside plate is 10 mm, then the maximum pitch of rivets in tension will be taken as

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99. Bending compressive and tensile stresses respectively are calculated based on

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100. The heaviest I-section for same depth is

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101. The minimum number of main steel bars provided in R.C.C.

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102. If the size of a column is reduced above the floor, the main bars of the column, are

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103. Effective depth and depth of the neutral axis respectively of a singly reinforced?

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104. The width of the flange of a T-beam should be less than

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105. An under-reinforced section means

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106. With usual notations the depth of the neutral axis of a balanced section, is given by

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107. The effective width of a column strip of a flat slab, is

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108. As the percentage of steel increases

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109. According to the steel beam theory of doubly reinforced beams

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110. The width of the rib of a T-beam , is generally kept between

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111. For the design of a simply supported T-beam the ratio of the effective span to the overall depth of the beam is limited to

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112. At-beam behaves as a rectangular beam of a width equal to its flange if its neutral axis

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113. By over-reinforcing a beam, the moment of resistance can be increased not more than

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114. The steel generally used in R.C.C. work, is

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115. For normal cases, stiffness of a simply supported beam is satisfied if the ratio of its span to its overall depth does not exceed

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116. The maximum ratio of span to depth of a slab simply supported and spanning in two directions, is

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117. If the length of an intermediate span of a continuous slab is 5m, the length of the end span is kept

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118. Enlarged head of a supporting column of a flat slab is technically known as

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119. On a circular slab of radius, the maximum radial moment at the center if the load on the slab in wkn/m2

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120. The spacing of the main bars in a simply supported slab, should not exceed its effective depth by

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121. In a simply supported slab, alternate bars are curtailed at

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122. The self-weight of the footing, is

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123. The nutral axis of a T-beam exists

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124. The minimum thickness of s flat slab is taken

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125. In a pre-stressed member, it is advisable to use

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126. The maximum thickness of the cover at the end of a reinforcing bar should not be less than twice the diameter of the bar subject to a minimum of

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127. The width of the flange of a L-beam, should be less than

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128. If the width of the foundation for two equal columns is restricted, the shape of the footing generally adopted, is

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129. The maximum ratio of span to depth of a slab simply supported and spanning in one direction, is

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130. In the displacement method of structural analysis, the basic unknowns are

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131. Which of the following methods of structural analysis is a displacement method?

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132. Which of the following methods of structural analysis is a force method?

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133. Which of the following is not the displacement method?

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134. When a uniformly distributed load, shorter than the span of the girder, moves from left to right, then the conditions for maximum bending moment at a section is that

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135. When a uniformly distributed load, longer than the span of the girder, moves from left to right, then the maximum bending moment at mid section of span occurs when the uniformly distributed load occupies

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136. The maximum bending moment due to a train of wheel loads on a simply supported girder

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137. A single rolling load of 8 kN rolls alone a girder of 15 m span. the absolute maximum bending moment will be

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138. For a two-hinged arch, if one of the supports settles down vertically, then the horizontal thrust

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139. Bending moment at any section in a conjugate beam gives in the actual beam

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140. While using three moments equation, a fixed end of a continuous beam is replaced by an additional span of

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141. The three moments equation is applicable only when

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142. In the slope deflection equations, the deformations are considered to be caused by

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143. The carryover factor in a prismatic member whose far end is fixed is

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144. In moment distribution method, the sum of distribution factors of all tha members meeting at any joint is always

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145. The centroid of compressive force, from the extreme compression fiber, in limit state design lies at a distance of ? (Where xu is the depth of natural axis at the limit state of collapse)

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146. According to IS codes recommendations, the maximum depth of stress block for balanced section of a beam of effective depth d is

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147. If the size of panel in a flat slab is 6m x 6m, then as per Indian standard code, the widths of column strip and middle strip are

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148. When shear stress exceeds the permissible limit in a slab, then it is reduced by

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149. A steel rod 1 meter long having square cross section is pulled under a tensile load of 8 tones the extension in the rod was 1 mm only. if E steel=2x106kg/cm2, the side of the rod, is

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150. A truss containing j joints and m members, will be a simple truss if?

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151. A lift of weight W is lifted by a rope with an acceleration f. if the area of cross-section of the rope is A, the stress in the rope is?

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152. The maximum deflection due to a load W at the free end of a cantilever of length L and having flexural rigidity EI, is?

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153. If a concrete column 200×200 mm in cross-section is reinforced with four steel bars of 1200 mm2 total cross-sectional area. Calculate the safe load for the column if permissible stress in concrete is 5 N/mm2 and Es is 15Ec?

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154. The maximum deflection due to a uniformly distributed load w/unit length over entire span of a cantilever of length l and of flexural rigidly EI, is?

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155. A simply supported beam carries varying load from zero at one end and W at the other end. If the length of the beam is a, the maximum bending moment will be?

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156. A rod of uniform cross-section A and length L force P. The young’s modules E of the material, is?

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157. A simply supported beam A carries a point load at its mid span. Another identical beam B carries the same load but uniformly distributed over the entire span. The ratio of the maximum deflections of the beams A and B, will be?

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158. A cantilever of length is subjected to a bending moment at its free end If EI is the rigidity of the section, the deflection of the free end, is?

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159. Shell structure does not have any?

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160. Normally in a truss structure, tension occurs at/for?

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161. In frame structure, what transfers the load to columns?

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162. Which of the below is a disadvantage of frame structure?

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163. For a continuous slab of 3m 3.5m size, the minimum overall depth of slab to satisfy vertical deflection limits is?

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164. For a simply supported beam of span 15m, the maximum effective depth to satisfy vertical deflection limit should be?

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165. For a cantilever of effective depth of 0.5m, the maximum span to satisfy vertical deflection limit is?

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166. One of the criteria for the effective width of flange of T-beam is bf =-+bw+6Df6 in above formula, lo signifies?

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167. The sway bracing is designed to transfer

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168. The diameter of base of conical flare of a steel stack is 9where d is the diameter of the cylindrical part)

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169. The effect of racking forces is considered in the design of ( i) lateral braces, ii) chord members) The correct answer is

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170. The basic wind speed is specified at a height ‘h’ above mean ground level in an open terrain. The value of ’h’ is

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171. The live load for a sloping roof with slope 15°, where access is not provided to roof, is taken as

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172. Generally, the purlins are placed at the panel points so as to avoid

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173. The relation between intensity of wind pressure p and velocity of wind V is taken as

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174. For the buildings having a low permeability, the internal wind pressure acting normal to the wall and roof surfaces is taken as (where p is basic wind pressure)

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175. To minimize the total cost of a roof truss, the ratio of the cost of truss to the cost of purlins shall be

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176. Normally, the angle of roof truss with asbestos sheets should not be less than

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177. The maximum permissible span of asbestos cement sheets is

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178. Bearing stiffeners are provided at ( i) the supports, ii) the mid span, iii) the point of application of concentrated loads) The correct answer is

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179. The maximum spacing of vertical stiffeners is (where d is the distance between flange angles)

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180. The range of economical spacing of trusses varies from

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181. As per IS: 800, for compression flange, the out stand of flange plates should not exceed (where t = thickness of thinnest flange plate)

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182. Intermediate vertical stiffeners in a plate girder need be provided if the depth of web exceeds (where t is thickness of web)

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183. Horizontal stiffener in a plate girder is provided to safeguard against

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184. Battening is preferable when the( i) column carries axial load only, ii) space between the two main components is not very large, iii) column is eccentrically loaded The correct answer is)

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185. Minimum pitch of the rivets shall not be less than where d is gross diameter of rivet

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186. When the axis of load lies in the plane of rivet group, then the most heavily loaded rivet will be the one which (where, Fa is the load shared by each rivet due to axial load and F mis the shearing load due to moment in any rivet.)

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187. Which of the following types of riveted joint is free from bending stresses ?

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188. The difference between gross diameter and nominal diameter for the rivets up to 25 mm diameter is

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