Practice – FAQ’s from IS Codes (IS456, IS875, IS1893, IS800…)
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As per IS 456 in Annexure it is explained how to obtain compressive reinforcement in doubly reinforced beam
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As per IS 456 in Annexure it is explained when do we provide compression reinforcement in beam
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As per IS 456 what are the formulas for calculating moment of resistance of rectangular sections without compression reinforcement
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As per IS 456 what is the formula to determine the depth of neutral axis for a rectangular section without compression reinforcement
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As Per IS 456 what is the % of mid span tension reinforcement that we have to extend to the supports
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As per IS 46 how many panel types are there for calculating moment coefficient in design of slabs
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As per IS 456 in which annexure is it expalined what is one way slab
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AS per IS 456 when is it not required to provide torsion reinforcement in slab
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As per IS 456 how do we provide torsion reinforcement in slab
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As per IS 456 how do we take care of negative moments at a discontinues edge of a slab panel
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As per IS 456 how do we provide tension reinforcement in slabs
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As per IS 456 what are the max bending moments in slabs in x and y directions
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In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined what is enhanced shear strength of sections closed to supports
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In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined how do we calculate spacing of shear reinforcement for vertical stirrups
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In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined how do we arrive at the shear strength to be carried by stirrups
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In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined how do we provide shear reinforcement if tow-v exceeds tow-c
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In Which table of IS 456 is it expalined where do we find the value of max shear stress of concrete in beams with shear reinforcement
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In Which table of IS 456 is it expalined where do we find the value of design shear strength of concrete in beams without shear reinforcement
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In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined what is the formula for nominal shear stress in beams of uniform depth
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In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined what are the additional moments to be calculated inn case of slender compression members
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In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined what is equation for design of short column in compression with biaxial bending
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In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined what is equation for design of short column in compression
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In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined what are the assumptions for design using limit state of collapse for compression
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In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined what are the assumptions for design using limit state of collapse for flexure
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In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined how do we design slab spacing in two directions
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In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined what is redistribution of moments in continues beams and frames
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In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined for assign the strength of structure what partial safety factors should we take for concrete and steel
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In Which table of IS 456 is it expalined what are the partial safety factors for loads for limit state of copalse and limit state of serviceability
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In Which Clause of IS 456 is it defined characteristic load
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In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined what is characteristic strength of concrete
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In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined what is limit state of claps and limit state of serviceability
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In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined what is limit state design
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In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined what is the min reinforcement and spacing for design of footing
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In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined what is the nominal reinforcement for footings greater than 1m depth
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In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined what is the permissible bearing stress we concede while design of footings
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In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined where do we calculate the highest bending moment for isolated footings
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In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined what is the min thickness at the edge of the footing
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In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined that beyond what thickness should we provide steel in two layers for shear walls
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In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined what are the min requirements for reinforcement of shear walls
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In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined what is the max effective height to thickness ratio in rcc walls
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In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined what is the min thickness of rcc wall
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In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined how do we design concrete walls
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In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined what is the max spacing of bars in a flat slab
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In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined what is the permissible shear stress in flat slabs
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In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined what is the critical section for shear in flat slabs
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In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined what are the method of analyses and design of flat slab
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In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined what is difference between drop and column head in flat slab
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In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined what is the min thickness of a flat slab
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In Which Clause of IS 456 is it expalined what is middle strip in flat slab
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As per IS 456 in which clause it is explained what is column strip and flat slab
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As per IS 456 in which clause it is explained what is a flat slab
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As per IS 456 in which clause it is explained how to provide negative reinforcement in deep beam
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As per IS 456 in which clause it is explained how to provide positive reinforcement in deep beam
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In which clause of IS 456 is it explained what is a deep beam
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As per IS 456 in which clause the length of the structure beyond which we provide expansion joint is explained
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In which clause of IS 456 expansion joints are explained
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What is the min dia of laterail ties in columns in IS 456
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What should be the pitch of lateral ties in columns in IS 456
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What is the min longitudinal reinforcment in caes of pedistals in IS 456
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What is the max spacing of longitudinal bars along the perifery of the column as per IS 456
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What is the min dia of longitudinal bar for columns as per IS 456
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What are the min number of longitudinal bars to be provided for rectangular column and circular column as per IS 456
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What is the max longitudinal reinforcment for columns in IS 456
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What is the min longitudinal reinforcment for columns as per IS 456
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What is the max diameter of bars used for design of slabs in IS 456
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Which clause do we use to understand the min reinforcment in slab to be provided as per IS 456
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Which clause of IS 456 do we use to understand the min shear reinforcment in beam
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What is the max spacing of shear reinforcemnt in beam as per clause in IS 456
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Which clause of IS 456 is usded to understand side face reinforcment in beam
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Which clause of IS 456 do we use to understand the MAx area of a compression reinforcment as per IS 456
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As per IS 456 Which Clause do we use to find the max area of tension reinforcemnt in beams
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Which clause of IS 456 do we reffer to understand the min area of tension reinforcment in beam
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Which clause of IS 456 do we reffer to understand the nominal cover to reinforcment
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Which clause of IS 456 do we use to understand the max distance between the bars in tension
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As per IS 456 which clause do we use to understand the min spacing between the individual bars
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Which clauses from IS 456 do we use to cartail tensial reinforcment in Flexural members
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What is the code for detailing earthquake resitant construction
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Which clauses from IS 456 do we use to understand the min excentricity for design of columns
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Which clauses from IS 456 do we use to define the slenderness limits for columns for restrained and unrestrained?
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As per IS 456 What is the effective length of compression members?
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From IS 456 which clause do we use to get the unsupported length of a compression member?
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In IS 456 in which Figure can we see the slab loads gets distributed on to beams?
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In IS 456 which clause do we use to understand what is a short column and long column?
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Which Clause do we use to call a member as a column as per IS 456?
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What is the Span/overall depth ratios for slabs of slabs upto 3.5m for Mild steel and HYSD steel in IS 456?
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Which clause do we reffer while Calcualting the span to effective depth ratios of slabs spanning in two directions, which span should be used as per IS 456?
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Which clause do we use to understand the slenderness limits for beams to ensure lateral stability?
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What are the limiting values of the span/depth ratio to be satisfied for horizontal deflection of beam/slab for spans over 10m, as per IS 456 which clause do we use?
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What are the limiting values of the span/depth ratio to be satisfed for vertical deflection of beams/slabs for a span of 10m as per IS 456 which clause do we use?
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As per IS 456 which clause do we use to limiting value of defliection for horizontal members
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Which clauses from IS 456 do we use to find teh effective width of flange of T beams and L beams
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Which clauses from IS 456 do we use to assume the salb as a compression flange of a T beam or L beam
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Which clauses from IS 456 do we use to calcualte the effective depth of a beam
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Which clauses from IS 456 do we use to understand the redistribution of moments
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Which clauses from IS 456 do we use to see the critical section for shear
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For monolithic construction, where shall be the moments computed for the design of the members?
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BM & SF Coefficients in Table 12 & 13 of IS456 are valid for frames having spans which do not differ more than..
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BM & SF Coefficients in Table 12 & 13 of IS456 are valid for frames with..
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Which clause from IS 456 is the arrangement of the live load is discussed?
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In the analysis of a continuous Frame, the effective span of a member is arrived as?
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In which clause the effective span of a cantiliver beam or slab is discussed in IS456?
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In which clause the effective span of a continues beam or slab is discussed in IS456?
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In which clause the effective span of a simply supported beam or slab is discussed in IS456?
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In which clause (Figure number) the minimum dimensions of RCC members are discussed in IS456?
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Fire resistance of concrete elements depends upon?
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Which clause in IS456 explains about precautions to be taken for lateral sway for structures?
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Which clause in IS456 explains about precautions to be taken for overturning of structures?
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In which clause “Design Load” is defined in IS456
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What is the code concerned to live loads consideration on structures?
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What is the code concerned to dead loads consideration on structures?
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What is the clause that discussed on the loads to be considered while designing structures?
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What is the method of design usally adopted in design of structural elements
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What is the aim of design any structural elements?
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When should one carry the load test on structures
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What are the clauses for inspection and testing of structures
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What should be the curing period to achieve 90% strength?
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What should be the curing period to achieve 50% strength?
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Clause for tolerances for cover in IS456?
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Clause for tolerances for placing of reinforcments in IS456?
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Clause for stripping time of formworks for various structural elements in IS456?
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Clause for Cleaning and treatemnt of concrete formwork in IS 456?
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Clause in IS456 that mentions the minimum time of mixing of concrete?
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What is the minimum time of mixing of concrete?
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Which codes do we refer for concrete mixers?
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What is the code for mixing of concrete as per IS 456?
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What is the minimum grade of concrete to be used in RCC for structures along the sea cost as per IS 456
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What is the minimum grade of concrete to be used in PCC for structures along the sea coast as per IS 456?
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What clause number from IS456 makes us understand the need for compaction, finishing and curing?
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What is the clause concerned to curing of concrete as per IS 456?
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For aggregate other than 20 mm , what is the table we have to refer in IS456 code to obtain water cement ratios?
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What is the table concerned to water cement ratios for different grades of concrete with 20mm aggregate?
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What is the clause concerned to discussion on the nominal cover to reinforcment in IS456?
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The 6 factors that influences the Durability of concrete are mentioned in which clause of IS 456?
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What is the cluase that talks on the Durabilty of Concrete in IS 456?
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What are the values of Creep Coefficient as per IS 456?
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What is the approximate value of total srinkage strain in IS 456?
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What is the clause that shows the factors that influences the shrinkage of concrete in IS456?
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What is the formula for modules fo elasticity of concrete as per IS456?
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What clause explains the modules of Elasticity in IS456?
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What is the relation between tensile strength and compressive strength of concrete in IS 456
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What does M and 20 Stands for M20 Grade in IS 456
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What is the table that specifies the possible grades of concrete as per IS 456?
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Clause for using grade of concrete lesser than what is mentioned in Tabe-5 IS-456?
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What is the table in IS 456 concerned to usage of Grades of concrete for plain and reinforced Concrete?
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What are the codes concernd to Mild & Medium steel bars and HYSD steel bars?
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What is the clause concerned to usage of sea water for concrete mixing as per IS 456?
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What should be the PH value of water used for mixing concrete as per IS 456?
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Which type of water is to be used for mixing concrete as per IS 456?
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What is the size of the aggregate mostly used for concreting?
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What are the two popular Grades of Cement?
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How many Annexures and sections are there in IS 456?
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How many sections are there in IS 456?
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The maximum ratio of span to depth of a cantilever slab is
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The diameter of longitudinal bars of a column should never be less than..
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The maximum area of tension reinforcement in beams shall not exceed
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A continuous beam shall be deemed to be a deep beam if the ratio of effective span to overall depth, is
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The diameter of main bars in R.C.C. columns, shall not be less than
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If the diameter of the main reinforcement in a slab is 16 mm, the concrete cover to main bars is
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A column is regarded as long column if the ratio of its effective length and lateral dimension, exceeds
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The diameter of transverse reinforcement of columns should be equal to one-fourth of the diameter of the main steel bars, but not less than
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An R.C.C column is treated as short column if its slenderness ratio is less than
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Spacing of stirrups in a rectangular beam, is
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Side face reinforcement shall be provided in the beam when depth of the web in a beam exceeds
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The spacing of transverse reinforcement of column is decided by the following consideration
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According to whitney’s theory, the maximum depth of concrete stress block in a balanced RCC beam section of depth “d” is..
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Accoording to whitney’s theory , ultimate strain of concrete is assumed to be
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The design yield stress of steel according to IS: 456-2002 is
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Maximum percentage reinforcement in case of slabs is limited to
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The diameter of ties in column should be
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The minimum cover for a column should not be less than
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The minimum diameter for longitudinal bars in a column is
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The Effective length is of a columns of length having both the ends fixed is?
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The assumption in the theory of bending of beam is?
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P = Pi*2 E I /L*2 is the buclking load for column with..!
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What is slenderness ratio of a long column?
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Which IS code gives details regarding acid-resistant bricks?
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How many parts (books) does IS code 875 contain?
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Which IS code gives specifications about dimensions for hot rolled steel structures?
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IS 1893-2002 gives details on?
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Which IS code is used to refer details regarding measurement of building and civil engineering works?
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Which is the most basic IS code for a Civil engineering designs?
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IS 2062 gives specifications about?
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How many clauses are there in IS-456 (2000)?
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The slab is designed as one way if the ratio of long span to short span is?
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In reinforced concrete footing on soil, the minimum thickness at edge should not be less than?
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Critical section for punching shear in case of flat slabs is at a distance of?
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A continuous beam is deemed as a deep beam when the ratio of effective span to overall depth (l/d) is less than?
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Maximum distance between expansion joints in structures as per IS:456-1978 is?
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Minimum pitch of transverse reinforcement in a column is?
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Which of the following statements is incorrect?
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The percentage of reinforcement in slabs, when Mild steel bars are used should not be less than?
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The percentage of reinforcement in slabs, when HYSD bars are used should not be less than?
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According to IS:456-1978, the maximum percentage of reinforcement in a column to avoid congestion is?
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According to IS:456-1978, the maximum percentage of reinforcement in a column is?
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The ratio of the diameter of reinforcing bars and the slab thickness is?
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For a longitudinal reinforcement bar in a column, the minimum cover shall neither be less than the diameter of bar nor less than?
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The minimum cover in a slab should neither be less than the diameter of bar nor less than
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According to IS:456-1978, minimum slenderness ratio for a short column is?
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According to IS:456-1978, the cblumn or the strut is the member whose effective length is greater than?
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According to IS:456-1978, the fiexural strength of concrete is?
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Maximum quantity of water needed per 50kg of cement for M15 grade of concrete (PCC) as per Table-5 of IS-456 is?
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Minimum grade of concrete to be used in reinforced concrete as per IS:456-2002 is?
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If nominal shear stress Tv exceeds the design shear strength of concrete Tc, the nominal shear reinforcement as per IS:456-1978 shall be provided for carrying a shear stress equal to?
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For a reinforced concrete section, the shape of shear stress diagram is?
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The factor of safety in design for?
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